It's fascinating how little time we have to do the things we might want to do in any given day. It's particularily challenging when you have little humans or creatures who rely on you for basic needs... Though sometimes even just caring for ourselves is difficult enough.
There are some things I've found to be helpful in these times, though I'll be honest a good deal of them are to help mitigate some of my ADHD I find myself combatting throughout the day.
- Force yourself to do things in the first way that comes to your head
- Work entirely offline
- Run, walk, do something to get the blood coursing through your body
- Treat everything you do as a race against the clock
- Leverage any and all tools or resources that you are comfortable with for maximum speed
I could expand on these a lot, but I want to keep this first post fairly short... I'll simply say that the most effective thing I've found for myself is to give myself unrealistic challenges with extremely lenient expectations.
Care too much about any outcome along the process of making anything, and you will find that your time evaporates. Your stress rises. And you stop having fun.
You have to embrace the chaos, do damage control when things break. It's the only way you can really figure stuff out.